Case Study: Creekside Center (Q1 2024)

Concierge: Mackenzie Cannon
Patient Name: Mr. C
Patient Age: 68
Admission Date: December 27th, 2023
Admitted From: Skyline Medical Center
Discharge Date: April 5th, 2024
Discharge Location: Home
How did this patient hear about Creekside? Mr. C lives close by but was unaware of our community until he received information from the hospital.


Details of Experience:

Mr. C was admitted to Creekside on December 27th, 2023. He arrived from Skyline Medical Center, a nearby hospital in the area. Mr. C was sent to Creekside because he suffered from a UTI that greatly affected him. Mr. C did not realize how much damage a UTI could cause and was very lucky to be able to get the treatment to help him. He stated it affected multiple organs and his left leg, which required therapy services Creekside was able to provide.

Mr. C was greeted with a welcome bag and folder with all the information needed regarding the facility. He was greeted by the Unit Manager, CNAs, and the therapy team that would be assisting him throughout this journey. Mr. C could not walk when he came to Creekside, and he felt unsteady standing and worried about falling. He required moderate assistance for the evaluation tasks. Mr. C was very motivated to start his therapy and work on his treatment plan. He wanted to regain his independence and return to his “normal.”

Since being at Creekside, Mr. C can now walk with a walker over 100 feet! According to his updated evaluation, he is now able to complete the tasks with basically no assistance. This is an amazing improvement! Mr. C stated, “The therapy team is outstanding! Joe really pushed me, and I owe most of my gratitude to him for getting me where I am today.” He also wanted to shoutout Katie in occupational therapy for always being so sweet and caring!

While at Creekside, Mr. C received the Oscars award for Human Wikipedia, which he most definitely deserved. He also uses our gifted Creekside water bottle from the welcome bag daily and plans to continue using it at home! Mr. C is also very excited to return home to spend time with his family and grandchildren.

Mr. C will be leaving Creekside on April 5th, and we wish him all the best! We are so proud of his progress and so glad we were able to help him through this journey.